

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017

.{PSYCHO:Byts}. Bunny Gas Masks - Suicide Dollz

Hello fetish and survivors of the Apocalypse.
.{PSYCHO:Byts}. has created for this round of Suicide Dollz these gas masks.
With them you can keep you safe from the harmful gases.
(Feb 19 -Mar 3)

It is available in 6 different colors: White, Pink, Purple, Red, Green & Black.
Each of them brings a hud to change the texture of 6 parts of the mask, among the 6 existing colours
(Hood harness, Eyepieces, Glasses & Valves (side&center+metal)).
The hud also you will help in changing the transparency and color of the lenses.

Material Enabled. Unisex.
140L$ Each.

sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

.{PSYCHO:Byts}. Gamer's Heart set XOXO Hunt

Hello Gamers!
Now is the day that begins the XOXO Hunt.
(Feb 11th - Feb 25th, 2017)

.{PSYCHO:Byts}. participates with this set, includes Headset, 
Lollipop & Necklace, and it's unisex!
Play & Love!

How it works?

Between Feb 11th – Feb 25th, 2017, TP to any of the participating creators’ store and find the golden heart.

1º Once you spot it, say ‘xoxo’ in local chat, without the quotation marks.
If your romance luck is strong, the golden heart will give you the item for free!
2º If you’re unlucky, you really have to practice your romance better.
Unfortunately, you have to wait for another 24 hours before you can try again.
3º But if you are impatient and you NEED THE THING NOW, you can buy the item from  the vendor for only 50L, woohoo!

Good Look!

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

.{PSYCHO:Byts}. is looking for BLOGGERS

Hi there bloggers!, 
thankyou for your interest in becoming part of .{PSYCHO:Byts}. Blogging Family. 
Before completing the form take some time to read the rules. 

1º 6 month old blog or older
2º At least 1 post a month for .{PSYCHO:Byts}. new item. If the item is involved in an event you must announce it clearly in the post (if that month not have sent nothing by the group you are free, but is your obligation to be attentive to the listings of the Group)
3º The blog must have at least 6 months and have published periodically, more than once a month.
4º Synced with a minumum of 2 SL feeds
5º You will need group space inworld
6º If you have sponsors section you must place the logo and LM from my shop with them. If you do not have no problem.
7º All your publications you must notify me or add them to the Group of flickr:
8º And the most important of all, you must love.{PSYCHO:Byts}.creations and enjoy to blog :D

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017

.{PSYCHO:Byts}. The Coven Event . February

Hello witches and wizards.
Today begins The Coven Event, round of February
(3rd - 24th Feb 2017)

For this event, .{PSYCHO:Byts}. brings you two new designs:

-Antheia Halo Crown: 
Available in 6 different metals (Gold, Bronze, Copper, Silver, Iron & Onyx).
Each Crown contains HUD to change the Straight Stick,
Fatpack includes HUD to change the 
textures in 4 sections: 3 Sticks & Base.

60L$ Each/300L$ Fatpack.

-Book of Spells Backpack:
Available in 4 different Books (Brown, Red, Black & Purple)
Each Backpack contains HUD to change the 
Metalic Textures in 4 colors.

120L$ Each

Material Enabled.